[瀏覽器] Opera 11 Pre-Beta 似乎引起眾怨

引頸期盼很久的Opera終於在11月17日時在Desktop Team部落格釋出了11 Beta版(雖然在Opera:about中顯示為11 Beta,但是文中還是提到這只是11 Beta的「preparation」版本)。這次更新帶來了兩大最新項目:〔全新的網址列〕和〔全新的滑鼠手勢〕,同時還修正了一票的瑕疵。但事情並沒有想像中的順利,這次大變化的更動,引起了眾多使用者不滿。


這是一個為Opera 11 Beta所做的預備版本,我們獨家為你帶來兩項最新的功能和一些關於郵件的改善與提升。

網址列是瀏覽器非常重要的一項功能,在Opera 11中我們希望他能夠更上一層樓,讓它降低使用者困擾同時幫助你更專注與重要的工作。全新的網址列可以幫助使用者辨識他們所在位置,譬如說使用者將不再輕易地被google.com.spoof.com這類網址所誤導,以為它們是真的Google。

  1. 所有的網頁都會先是一個Badge(徽章、標籤)用於取代原本的HTTP和HTTPS。點選Badge可以輕易的得到目前網頁的更詳細的安全資訊。
  2. 在網址後的參數(t7:網址後有一個井字號後的參數)將會被預設隱藏,你可以在選項中取消隱藏(opera:config#UserPrefs|HideURLParameter)
  3. 最後,最新版還有Opera turbo Badge。點選後可以取得Opera turbo為你壓縮了多少資料等的資訊。

很多Opera人都喜歡使用Opera在2001年5月所推出的opera 5.1中的滑鼠手勢。十年過去後,我們打算來個改頭換面(t7:真是噩夢的開始)。第一、我們打算讓更多人知道這項功能。第二、我們想讓使用者更容易學習如何使用手勢。透過長按右鍵可以顯示圖像手勢。


現在EX已經可以在預設下使用HTTPS進行連線。同時我們還提供隱私設定,讓決定EX是否可以在HTTPS連線下和在隱私模式底下執行。這些設定都可以在Extensions manager頁面中找到。



  • DSK-313944 ("Ctrl+Shift+V" opens in a new background tab)
  • DSK-316145 (Gmail not working)
  • CORE-34280 (IME composes duplicated strings in contentEditable text areas)



I like where the new address bar is going but I have three problems with it...
  1. Why does it have to say "Web" (or anything) when not on a trusted/untrusted site?
  2. I'd really like to see the https:// (and http too, really). I've instructed a lot of people to look for this on secure sites. I've recently installed the HTTPS extension and while it doesn't work completely on somesites (like twitter.com) I can't tell its doing anything now.
  3. The favicons really need to come back.

Okay do you never learn from other browsers mistakes? Deleting the protocol from the address field is like completely stupid, that's against every basicweb principle.

Second, deleting favicons because of possible spoofing problems is like painting your windows in black to avoid burglars seeing inside your home, are you nuts?

Third, you don't even let users see the query or hash part of URLs. Like http://bohwaz.net/?testing=1 will just appear as 'bohwaz.net'. http://twitter.com/#/bohwaz will just appear as 'twitter.com'. This is fucking misleading.

You guys should really stop drugs and start working on real stuff. Now.



And one more thing - the strokes when using gestures have to be a lot longer then before. Previously I just had to move my mouse a few milimeters down to open a new tab, now I have to move it a centimeter or even more. This really slows things down for me.

I do agree for the new visual gesture can help the new users to learn how to use gesture more faster and more easier. But you should know the new users wiil soon become a advanced users, then they'll feel the visual gesture is a noise for using gesture.

The gesture become more unsensitive like. It is worst experienced for advanced user, so PLEASE make it more more sensitive. btw, I would like to say: Please stop copy the chrome ideas, especially the worst, something like hidden the protocol (Forgive me, if I have wrong grammar in English)

WARNING: This is an awesome development snapshot: It contains the latest incredible changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

